
Reiki is a Japanese practice that brings relaxation, stress reduction, and promotes healing. Reiki loosely translates to universal life energy. Reiki is the energy that flows through all life. It is in all things, including you. When our Reiki, or life energy, is low, blocked, or stagnant, it can cause discomfort and struggles of the mind, body, and spirit.

The practice of Reiki assists in increasing that energy by allowing it to flow while you are in a relaxed state. Reiki can leave clients feeling energetically lighter, relaxed, balanced, refreshed and promotes healing.

Reiki is not associated with any religion, but is considered a spiritual practice in nature. Therefore Reiki can be applied to each person’s own spiritual beliefs.

What To Expect

Each Reiki session will typically be about 60 minutes. At the beginning of each session we will have a conversation about your intentions and goals for your session.

Afterwards, I will help you get comfortable on the massage table. During a Reiki session you are fully clothed. I will offer you blankets, an eye mask to eliminate visual distraction, and a bolster for under your knees to aide in any discomfort . The goal is to help you become as physically relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Next, I will use mindfulness techniques, to help you relax your mind and body, and let go of any outside worries or stresses for the duration of your session. This is a time for you.

During the session, I will use light touch on various positions on the body while being mindful and respectful of any physical injuries or ailments.

At the end of the session, we will have a short discussion about your experience and I will offer feedback.

Let’s Begin